Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Yellow Wallpaper


Reading between the lines is not exactly my forte, so when I was reading the short story I would find myself becoming confused quite often.  The other day in class we discussed the story in more depth, which really helped; it kind of helped put all the missing pieces together.

 The two main characters in the book are John who is the husband of the woman, but her name is never mentioned.  There are more characters than the two but there not as important. 
The wife proclaims to be ill, but never really comes out about her issues.  The couple decides to stay in this abandon little house not far from the road, just a temporary stay. 

John is a physician and proclaims to know what’s best, so his demands are for her to stay in her room at all times.  She shall not lift a finger or even move an inch, because John and his sister Jane handle it all.  Stuck in this room with an oddly yellow wallpaper starts to get to her head and this wallpaper begins to run her life.

At the end of the story things turned odd, but luckily went we went over in class I was able to understand more of the scenario.      


1 comment:

  1. Mackenzie, I read your post, and frankly, I am not so pleased with the post. I want to know more about this, 'John' character. What's he do in his free time? What happens if she leaves the room? Will she die? And another thing to add on the topic is, What the hell is wrong with this woman?? Seriously, she has some issues with wallpaper. All it does is cover the wall so you don't have to see that nasty paint job that your husband did. I mean think about it, that's probably why it is there.
